12. February 2024
Mechanochemistry: Revolutionising Material Science
Mechanical chemistry, or Mechanochemistry, a fascinating interdisciplinary field, stands as a testament to this phenomenon.

06. February 2024
Navigating the key Paradox in the Oil Industry - Heavy Oil
Heavy oil, typically characterised by an API gravity below 20 degrees is a valuable yet incredibly challenging resource in the energy industry.

30. January 2024
Rolling Towards a Sustainable Future: Tackling the Challenge of Waste Tires
Waste tires, often discarded and overlooked, present a significant environmental challenge worldwide.

15. January 2024
The Alchemy of Sustainability: How is Plastic Waste Transformed through Pyrolysis and Chemical Recycling?
In a world where plastic has become an integral part of our daily lives, the mounting concern over plastic waste has led to groundbreaking innovations in recycling technologies.

05. January 2023
The Complex Task of Recycling Plastics: Challenges, Profitability, and Way Forward
In the global effort to combat plastic pollution and promote sustainability, recycling has emerged and recently dominated as a crucial strategic initiative.